Monday, May 21, 2012

Jasminez Questions

1. What did you think about the article?
it's really cool they actually were talking about my friend's Ricky Martinez game that'a pretty cool

2. How did it make you feel to read about your school and GLobaloria, a program that you participate in.
I feel that i love that my school is getting recognize that we are good with technology and no matter what side of town we live we can  be good at every thing and yeah it's awesome.

3. If your game was not featured in the article, what would you like for the author to have said about your game?
That at lease my game was a little working game but still great.

4. Which game do you think the author should have mentioned in his article and why?
Christians Gomez game is a pretty notice game and it's showing of stopping gang related violence

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Forks Over Knives

i think is going to be about health diabetes  what cause it and how can we help not getting it.
the tittle help me predict that what is causing diabetes is what we eat and we can stop it y eating healthy.
This doctors were talking about that animal meat has alot of cholesterol and so as dairy and eggs and if we stay eating plants that it will decrease the chances of getting diabetes . the doctors found out that  are ans esters were al about plants and now is all about animal food we getting sick and its all about how we eat wend the germane tuck ova NORWAY  they increase the cause of heart attacks in 1939 is animal food that cause this it really those. The docter even tested on rats and he even change its diet and it worked fine.

My Comments

Laura your game is so awesome. I would of like my game to prove some thing like yours even do your game was kinda hard but it actually help understand ,and I know that gangs are bad and you have a great game here nice job even do I wish I could of done some thing close to yours. thanks for making it to the globes award.

Jasmine A.

Michael your game was great i think you made it to the globes.Your game about the rat was awesome ,like this is happening in real life and i just wanted to do some thing alike but i just had 3 periods to make a fast/ playing game. Yea i just wish you could of make it longer like your other game ball world with a lot of levels but yeah your game had me wanting more about it.

Jasmine A.

Luis i love your game. I would of like my game to be like your . nice job keep it up for next you when i beat you this year i didn't make it because i had to do it in 3 periods but yea next you im totally going to beat you but yeah nice game.

Jasmine A.

Christian you have an amazing game i couldn't comment on your blog because you didn't put it on there but yea Christian you have an amazing game going to challenge you next year i'm going to have a better game then you this year i couldn't because i only had a 3 periods to make some thing fast but yea nice game
Jasmine A.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My Top 3 Choices

forest rats, green bugs, 3rd period arcos
street wars, T.G.O.D,, 3rd period arcos
no gang! more maze,3rd period arcos

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Final Game

My team name is Epic Earth. The game is called WARNING: World wide Pacific Ocean. Topic is environmental issues.Our game is about the garbage patch pacific ocean and, effects on marine animals, and water pollution.Kids are going to learn how the trash ends up in the ocean and what they can to prevent trash from getting to the pacific ocean.I want this game to get to people that trashing are earth every little thing they throw ends in the ocean and can effect are animals.What I'm proud of is that at the beginning I didn't know nothing about this topic at all, till I got in to my research and finding out that every thing I trow away on the floor it ended in our ocean and can effect animals and I accomplish my goal to create a great game that will help others know that we need  to recycle and throw away our trash were they so post too.